Everdark Abyss - Engine Update #2

The development of the base engine is going well, multiple necessary features have been added this week.


The implementation of doors is complete, both hinged and portcullis doors are functioning as intended. They can be activated either by proximity or by pressing a button. The portcullis can cause damage if it closes on the player. Additionally, I have introduced universal activators (triggers) that can be linked to doors. These triggers will be utilized to spawn enemies or activate specific quest-related events.

The foundation for item placement is now in place and ready for further expansion. This mechanism will enable players to drop items from their inventory or position objects within the 3D environment. Currently, items snap to the ground in front of the player, which will likely remain unchanged to make item recovery easier.

World Details
I have incorporated skyboxes into the game. At the moment, they consist of basic textures, but in the future, additional layers will be added to support weather effects and dynamic time of day. Furthermore, each world now possesses its own fog and ambient color settings, allowing for a more immersive experience in the future.

Other improvements
A simple debug menu, accessible from the in-game menu, has been implemented. It is still a work in progress. I have made optimizations to the collision code, resulting in improved performance.
I've changed how the game handles player input, granting players the ability to customize their button configurations.
Several issues related to saving and loading have been addressed, resulting in faster performance and storage of more relevant data. 
I have resolved some issues with moving platforms, allowing players to jump off from the top regardless of their speed.
Additionally, I have introduced a separate fade-in, fade-out effect that can be utilized independently of the level changing code.
Lastly, a camera shake effect has been added, which may prove useful in the future.

Here is a short demonstration of the above mentioned features:

Next week I hope to implement a basic inventory system with some dummy objects and also create lootable containers.

If you like this project, follow me here on Itch and on Youtube so you won't miss the updates.

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